Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Paris holds the key to.....funny quotes.

Here are some various quotes from Krissie and I in Paris this last week....enjoy!

"Come here and let me whisper sweet nothings into your eye."
- Lindsey trying to help Krissie get something out of her eye.

"I'll give you ten Euros for the Eiffel Tower."
- Krissie trying to get an Indian guy to sell her the actual Eiffel Tower

"Hello France! Can you see my underpants?"
- Krissie in front of the open hotel window

"Make them think you are taking pity on a hunchback."
- Lindsey (I can't really remember why at the moment)

Lin: "What kind of garden doesn't let you play on the grass?!"
Krissie: "Hitler's Garden."

"The garbage can says 'Merci'! It's speaking French to me!!"
- Krissie at McDonalds

"I don't think that is him because he didn't answer to James."
- Krissie after having chased James Spader in the Louvre

(To the tune of My Humps) "Your pinkie, your pinkie, I want to hold your pinkie winkie." - just don't ask

Krissie: "You sure think a lot about monks."
Evan: "I'm not gay."

Finally, after watching a male pigeon chase idiotically after a female pigeon for a very long time Krissie said, "Boys are retarded."

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