Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Basically, we're going to hell

Notes from church on Sunday . . . while sitting by Curt.

Megan: Lili knows every Osmond song.
Jeff knows this, and they are still together.
It must be love.
Miri: Curt thought you were taking notes: How to be converted by the Top 40. (In response to the speaker, who told her mom or dad's conversion story, which involved listening to the Osmonds.)
Megan: That's next. But I'm going to type it up because there's just too much to say and it's such an important concept.
Miri: We'll probably have to get it published. This talk, the notes. How about "The Annotated . . ." and so on. How can we deprive the world of this knowledge?

Speaker #2: (after indicating that the reason to do missionary work is that it is an adventure) Life without adventure is kind of . . . adventureless.

Curt: (after Miri responded to his picture of the speaker as the Geico gecko with "I have no words.") Life without words is kind of wordless.

Speaker #3 quotes a Will Smith song.
Megan: Wow, thank you for quoting Will Smith.
Miri: I can definitely say amen to this talk now.

Pop Culture Quoted or Referenced in Sacrament Meeting - the final list:
The Osmonds
Will Smith
Mitch Albom
Schindler's List
The Hiding Place

Curt: Closing Hymn: "God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again." (Crossed out) "Bye, Bye, Bye."
Miri: I'm waiting for the LOTR reference, or Mary Poppins or something.
Lili: Harry Potter, anyone? I would have mentioned Harry Potter.
Curt: Forgiveness is like Quidditch..."

Sunday school

Megan: Ah. Brazilan girlfriend explains the awkwardness when I first met him. C'mon dude. Watching Curious George is not a threatening situation.
Miri: Kind of awkward that he felt compelled to tell his life story so no one would think he met the Brazilian girlfriend on his mission...
Megan: He's already planning to use Portugese in his talk? Not judging device commencing . . . now.
Miri: Device . . . failure . . . mayday, mayday!
The system is down.

(When Sunday school started the new teacher let us ask questions. Curt asked whether he'd cut himself shaving because he had a bandaid on his neck, and he gave some vague crap answer about how it was something else... no idea.)
Curt: I don't care what he says, he did cut himself shaving. Yay! Puberty!
Miri: He just has a (really small) hickey.
Curt: I am contemplating from whence small hickeys come? .... young Brazilian girls with straws?
Miri: Ew.
Megan: Enter Babylon
Miri: (quoting Kay): What the Sodom and Gomorrah is this?
Curt: I was going to say "off with his head," but from the looks of his neck, someone has already started that.
Miri: Will we be painting the roses red after the lesson?


Lin said...

i miss you guys. like, a lot.

Miri said...

will we go to hell less if we blame curt? it was his fault, you know. we're rarely THAT irreverent during sacrament meeting without his influence.

Lin said...

church is always more fun with comments from curt. true statement. and there is no going to hell "less"...although maybe there should be.

Megs said...

Oh c'mon. How much do you know about Dante? :)