Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Jennie's birthday!

Megan: So I was watching Joyeux Noel with subtitles, and they were saying "chouette" in the movie--
Miri: Which sounds like "shit."
Jonathan: hysterical laughter

I think that boy has a penguin on his head. --Miri (and he did-->)

If you're in the middle you pretty much have to grope someone. --Megan

Jonathan: I'm going to go wash up.
awkward silence while he leaves
Marci: Well that's very hygienic of him.
Miri: He probably just needs some "man" time. He's gonna go look at the urinals for a while.

1 comment:

Krilafis said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA..."He probably just needs some man time." You are funny Miri.

Also,has anyone else noticed that Marci is Queen Humor of the obvious variety? I feel like she should be nominated for some kind of hilarity award. Its that classic.