Monday, November 19, 2007

Sheryl and I were outside grilling some chicken and while we were waiting for it to cook up we started doing clapping games.

Lindsey: Cinderella, dressed in yella went upstairs to kiss a fella...
Sheryl: When she kissed him he said, "Nay! Get thee hence!"

yeah. brilliant.


Megs said...

Alas. Yon lieth the story of my life. Sigh...

Miri said...


poor megan. maybe it's cause you talk like that.

;) jk.

Megs said...

I think it's really funny that you felt the need to put a jk at the end. As if I would have been offended.
Me: "But . . . Miri, I don't actually talk like that. It was just supposed to be funny. . . and . . . it hurts me when you use those words. And we are through being friends.