Saturday, September 22, 2007

Prayer Giggles...

So, there we were, all gathered round to have roommate prayer. As we all know, once someone starts to giggle, then it is over with, and there is NO way a prayer is to be said.

So after I mentioned the infamous grape lady movie (if you don't know what I mean, look up "grape lady" on youtube) then we all lost it. Soon enough people were telling theories of how to stop the giggles.

I said, "Well, I just try to remember that I am talking to Heavenly Father, and I should be reverent..."

Nicole said, "I just talk to myself..."

I said, "Nicole! You are talking to SOMEONE when you pray!!!"

Nicole said, "What are you talking about? I was answering Lacey's quesiton..."

*long, awkward pause*.... *Laughter for the next ten minutes*

That was the hardest prayer I think I have ever said in my life... Maybe this is one of those things you have to hear in person to be funny... But I am sure we can all relate to this situation...

1 comment:

Megs said...

hehe. I'm glad we still get to see into your apartment even though it's not our apartment. And I miss you.