Saturday, November 21, 2009

Two Twilight-Related Quotes

1) From an article in Entertainment Weekly, I bring you this quote by Robert Pattinson.
(After Kristen Stewart explained that the studio wanted him to have hair down to his shoulders in Twilight) "So I told them, 'Look, that's just not going to happen.' I said, 'It looks like this already--I'll come to set like this." I sounds so stupid, but in a lot of ways the hair is 75 percent of my performance, so in the second one I said, 'Listen, I need to tone down the hair. Let's make it a little more real, a little bit more . . . Method.'"
2) From our pre-New Moon viewing of Twilight. It was the end, where Jacob is talking to Bella and then Edward kind of steps in jealously and they go to the prom.
Rayla: Territory marked!
Me (thoughtfully): It's probably good that it was the vampire who marked his territory though. If the werewolf was going to do it, he's probably just pee on her.


mkgs said...

Oh dear. What, pray tell, does "a little bit more... method" mean??

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT YOU DOCUMENTED THIS. I almost forgot how amazing your quote was.

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